Trained AI

Building generative AI applications for everyone

2 Trillion
tokens trained

With increased computational resources, AI researchers can train larger, more complex models, enhancing their ability to understand and generate data.

we can

Together, we can collaborate on writing journals, solving complex problems, coding innovative solutions, and staying updated on the latest data trends.

Generative AI — Beyond Limits

Most Advanced Foundation Models

Foundation Models

Trained on over 2T tokens

Our Foundation Models: Powered by over 2 trillion tokens, our cutting-edge language models revolutionize natural language processing. Unleashing the power of AI, they drive innovation across diverse applications, from text generation to translation.

AI Application Empowered by
Real-Time Data

Breve AI delivers dynamic solutions, from code generation to weather forecasts, ensuring relevance and accuracy.

Platform integrates Generative AI capabilities.

Platform seamlessly incorporates advanced Generative AI capabilities through accessible APIs, optimizing performance and versatility across diverse applications and industries.

Generative AI application

AI model is capable of generating a wide array of content, ranging from code snippets to the latest news updates, weather forecasts, and much more.

Satisfying your curiosity
— Ask anything

Delve into history, explore live data, or indulge in any topic that piques your interest.

Compare Breve Ai over other global models

70% more accuracy - beyond web - stay updated - Ask anything - Generative image - Search Beyond Web

Trained over 2T tokens

Our Foundation Models: Powered by over 2 trillion tokens, our cutting-edge language models revolutionize natural language processing. Unleashing the power of AI, they drive innovation across diverse applications, from text generation to translation.

Support for all
22 scheduled languages

Generation capabilities for Hindi, English+ 8 Indian languages. All languages available in Q1 2024

How do we differ?

Create Generative AI apps with voice access to serve the AI needs of all Indians

Platform to enable novel
Generative AI products
and services

APIs to build apps, hosted inferencing capability in the Krutrim cloud

Culture, people,
history, sensibilities

Krutrim has an Indian ethos, natively. Generates text with an innate sense of India cultural sensibilities and relevance.

Krutrim’s performance
on a wide range of global
performance metrics

Comparison of our model’s
capabilities with Llama 2 7B

Ready to implement in your product?

Breve AI - Search Beyond Web

Excited? — Give a try