The forefront of AI advancements, surpassing global Gen AI models with an unprecedented 70% accuracy enhancement, solidifying its status as the pinnacle of artificial intelligence innovation.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Please note that your account will be reverted back to the free version after the end of the current billing cycle.

What happens to my account when I cancel a subscription?

Your Pro subscription will not be renewed for the next billing cycle and your account will be reverted back to the free version when you cancel the subscription.

Do I need to cancel my subscription before the renewal date to avoid charges?

Yes, if you do not want to continue being a Pro user you should cancel the subscription before the current billing cycle ends to avoid subscription renewal charges.

I’ve cancelled my subscription, but I’ve been charged or charges are being attempted. What can I do?

Please double check that you’ve cancelled your subscription, if charges have been made or keep getting attempted after this email us at for assistance

What is your refund policy?

While we adhere strictly to our own policies, we recognize that errors can occur and Alphabetx may not meet your requirements. We aim to make the refund policy as reasonable as possible.

Weekly Subscriptions: You can apply for a monthly refund up to 48 hours after the purchase date. Include details on why you are requesting a refund.

Monthly Subscriptions: You can apply for a monthly refund up to 48 hours after the purchase date. Include details on why you are requesting a refund.

Annual Subscriptions: Subscribers are eligible for a full refund within 72 hours of the original purchase date and time. No exceptions will be made to those who applied for refunds after this period of time.

I want a refund or credit for the annual subscription so I can change to a monthly subscription, is this possible?

The same policy applies as above, you will be able to process a refund given it's within the time established above. We do not take credit from this transaction, so you will have to begin a new monthly subscription and pay the given amount at that moment.

How can I request a refund?

Keeping in mind the policy above, you can request a refund by reaching out to us at

How long is the free trial period?

7 days and it exists only for the yearly subscription plan. Please note that at the end of the trial you will be charged, if you'd like to avoid this please remind yourself to cancel before the end of the trial.

What features can I access during the free trial?

You can access all Alphabetx Pro features during the 7 days free trial period.