The forefront of AI advancements, surpassing global Gen AI models with an unprecedented 70% accuracy enhancement, solidifying its status as the pinnacle of artificial intelligence innovation.
How it works

Build Your Own AI

Create custom AI solutions with our platform, tailored to your unique needs. Build AI that works for you.


No Code Environment Workflow

Establish workflow stages and incorporate human-in-the-loop quality control to create robust and trustworthy AI systems.

Model Training

The model stage enables the automation by linking to an AI model. You have the option to import a pre-trained public model which is already available for pulic, incorporate your custom model, or leverage alphabetx to train models from the ground up.

  • Data Collection and Preparation: Gather and preprocess the data required for model training. This involves data cleaning, feature engineering, and splitting the data into training, validation, and test sets.
  • Training and Hyperparameter Tuning: Train the model using the training data and fine-tune hyperparameters to optimize model performance. This may involve techniques like cross-validation.
  • Model Versioning: Keep track of different versions of your models. Version control allows you to compare model performance and roll back to previous versions if necessary.
  • Re-training and Updating
  • Deploying


The dataset stage serves as the initial step in any data workflow. It allows users to browse and export datasets for training purposes.

  • Data Collection: Gather data from reliable sources, ensuring it is relevant and representative of the problem you're trying to solve.
  • Data Collection: Gather data from reliable sources, ensuring it is relevant and representative of the problem you're trying to solve.
  • Data Annotation: If your data requires manual annotation (e.g., for image or text data), establish efficient processes for human annotators or explore automated annotation tools.
  • Data Pipeline: Create a well-structured data pipeline that automates data ingestion, cleaning, and transformation processes to ensure data remains up-to-date and reliable.


Pipeline management is crucial for ensuring the efficient and effective execution of various processes within an organization.

  • Define Clear Objectives: Start by defining the specific objectives of your pipeline. What processes or tasks will it encompass, and what are the desired outcomes?
  • Workflow Design: Create a clear and well-structured workflow that outlines the steps, tasks, and dependencies involved in the pipeline. Consider using visual representations like flowcharts or diagrams.
  • Data Integration: If the pipeline involves data processing, ensure that data from various sources is integrated seamlessly. Data integration is vital for maintaining data consistency and accuracy.

End Points

Our AI model specializes in endpoint and pipeline management. It efficiently orchestrates the flow of data, optimizing processes and ensuring seamless integration. With its advanced capabilities, it revolutionizes how endpoints and pipelines are managed, enhancing efficiency and reliability in various applications and workflows.

    Our AI model specializes in endpoint and pipeline management. It efficiently orchestrates the flow of data, optimizing processes and ensuring seamless integration. With its advanced capabilities, it revolutionizes how endpoints and pipelines are managed, enhancing efficiency and reliability in various applications and workflows.

Integration & API

AI Builder can be integrated with other external services, databases, and web APIs, allowing you to pull data from external sources or push processed data back to your website or other systems.

  • Custom Model Training: AI Builder allows you to create and train custom AI models to meet your specific business needs. You can use your own data to train models for tasks like object detection, classification, and text extraction. Once your custom model is trained, it can be accessed via APIs.
  • AI Builder APIs: Microsoft provides APIs that allow you to interact with your AI Builder models and templates programmatically. These APIs can be used to send data to the model, retrieve predictions, and integrate the AI capabilities into your website or applications.
  • RESTful APIs: The AI Builder APIs are typically RESTful APIs, which use HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication. This means you can make HTTP requests to these APIs from your website or application.
  • Real-time and Batch Processing: AI Builder APIs can be used for real-time processing, where you send data to the API and get immediate results, or for batch processing, where you send a batch of data for processing and receive results later.
  • Documentation and Support: Microsoft provides documentation and support for AI Builder and its APIs. Utilize these resources to understand how to integrate and use AI Builder effectively.

Custom Skills

Our AI model is tailored for custom skill development. It excels in creating specialized capabilities to meet unique requirements. With its advanced features, it empowers applications with bespoke skills, enabling them to perform tasks and deliver results tailored to specific needs, enhancing overall functionality and effectiveness.

  • Automation
  • Mining
  • Respond
  • Anything
Alphabetx AI Powered Automation

Unlock automation with AlphabetX's AI Power Engine, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency across various tasks and industries.


Discover the areas requiring automation.


Utilize our powered engine to mechanize the recognized areas.


Enhance core profitability and expedite scalability.

Automation for all business

An inclusive AI Platform designed for businesses, driving the shift from manual processes to automation with advanced data transformation capabilities.

Pre-Trained Models

AI in banking and financial services revolutionizes operations, enhancing fraud detection, personalizing customer experiences, automating tasks, and providing data-driven insights for more informed decisions and improved efficiency

Banking & Financial Services

Our AI model for banking excels in email processing, department identification, support ticket creation, data extraction, and more. It streamlines operations, enhancing customer service and data management.

  • Lending
  • Customer Experience
  • Cards & Payments
  • Risk & Compilance


Powered AI Platform enhances e-commerce by automating comment responses, generating support tickets for issues, and facilitating product upselling, optimizing customer engagement, and boosting sales.

  • Customer Experience
  • Upsell Product
  • Tracking of Insights
  • Support and Assistance


In the manufacturing sector, our AI-powered platform streamlines document processing, automates purchase order ticketing, and efficiently analyzes prices and addresses across numerous documents to extract critical data, ensuring enhanced productivity and operational efficiency.

  • Sourcing & Purchasing
  • Production & Maintenance
  • Sales & Service
  • Compilance


AI powered Alphabetx's insurance model excels in email management, department classification, support ticket creation, data extraction, claims processing, onboarding, and more, delivering a comprehensive solution for streamlined and efficient insurance operations.

  • Onboarding
  • Customer Service
  • Auto Reminders
  • Support

Sales Insight

AI powered Alphabetx's insurance model excels in email management, department classification, support ticket creation, data extraction, claims processing, onboarding, and more, delivering a comprehensive solution for streamlined and efficient insurance operations.

  • Onboarding
  • Customer Service
  • Auto Reminders
  • Support


Our AI model specializes in helpdesk tasks, including generating support tickets, providing automated responses, sending reminders, and a range of other functions, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of customer support and service management.

  • Auto Replies
  • Auto Support Tickets
  • Responders
  • Reminders
Skill Set

Skill sets for your business automation

Generate Text

AI generates text, automating content creation for various applications and industries.

Read or Respond

Engage in automated interactions and responses with AI-powered capabilities.


Use AI to accurately identify departments or teams in your organization.

Task Assignment

Leverage AI to efficiently delegate and manage tasks in your workflow.


Seamlessly connect with various systems and applications.

Data Validation

Ensure data accuracy and integrity.


Monitor process performance and log results.

Process Monitoring

Continuously oversee automation for improvements.

Process Optimization

Refine workflows for greater efficiency.

Data Output

Provide results or initiate subsequent actions.

Custom Skill

Add your own custom skill

The processes in your business that can be automated.

Identify business processes suitable for automation by leveraging AI and streamline operations for improved efficiency and productivity.

AI-powered application to construct automated processes for your business needs.

Leverage our AI application to create customized automation processes that cater to your specific business requirements, enhancing efficiency and productivity through intelligent automation.

Streamline repetitive taskswith our AI-powered application for seamless automation.

Optimize efficiency by automating repetitive tasks with our AI-powered app, ensuring smoother operations and allowing your team to focus on higher-value activities.

Try for free

Try the most advanced AI model platform for all automation process. See how the automation works for your industry.